A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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A short game prototype testing out a landmark-triangulation puzzle.

This was inspired by the wonderful mapping system in Miasmata, and started out a lot closer to that, but mutated into something a lot more rigid along the way. I'm not super happy with the way it ended up, and I came up with a different and better game idea just as I was finishing this up, but I thought I'd finish this up anyway and release it.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Compasscope Demo 1.1 - Mac.app.zip 46 MB
Compasscope Demo 1.1 - Win.zip 41 MB


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Played on Windows 10 in the itch app using mouse and keyboard and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.

Got repeated errors pop up in the Development Console the first time I tried to move: "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index" 

In the Player.log file in my LocalLow\Studio Hunty\Compasscope folder:

 <RI> Initializing input.

New input system (experimental) initialized
<RI> Initialized touch support.

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
ERROR: Shader Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
UnloadTime: 1.847400 ms

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index
  at UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities.ReadOnlyArray`1[TValue].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x0004c] in C:\projects\unity\compasscope\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.inputsystem@1.0.0\InputSystem\Utilities\ReadOnlyArray.cs:123
    at MainGameInputHandler.ControlForAction (MainGameInputHandler+Action action) [0x00001] in C:\projects\unity\compasscope\Assets\Scripts\Input\MainGameInputHandler.cs:72
    at ControlIconBehavior.Update () [0x00001] in C:\projects\unity\compasscope\Assets\Scripts\UI\ControlIconBehavior.cs:31   

(Filename: C:/projects/unity/compasscope/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.0.0/InputSystem/Utilities/ReadOnlyArray.cs Line: 123)

All of the onscreen non-mouse button prompts were for the "W" key, but I was able to figure out the controls, connect the three landmarks and open the door. Using the telescope as a lever is a clever bit of gating, but the central triangulation puzzle basically solves itself at this point.

Thanks! I'll take a look at that error and get a new build up soon.


Fixed! The new version (1.1) should fix this bug! Thanks for finding it! :D